The compelling narrative of "Scent of My Daughter" is now accompanied by its equally evocative original soundtrack, meticulously crafted by the multi-talented Onur Tarçın. A testament to Tarçın's musical versatility, the score stands out as a unique blend of traditional and contemporary sounds, transporting listeners to the very heart of the film's emotional landscape.
Drawing from a rich tapestry of musical influences spanning Turkey and France, the soundtrack is a celebration of diverse instruments and styles. The resonating tones of Oğur Sazı, Kopuz, Fretless Guitar, and Charango intertwine seamlessly with Tarçın's evocative piano compositions. The soulful melodies of the Armenian Duduk juxtaposed with Anatolian instruments like the Kabak Kemane elevate the soundtrack's depth, all set against a sweeping orchestral canvas.